Die Wäller-Hymne: "Walk with the dog"

Oli (Burke) Mein größtes Hobby noch vor den Hunden (sorry Luna und Bailey), ist das Musik machen. Ich spiele schon seit über 30 Jahren in Bands und genau so lange schreibe ich auch Songs.
Da ich von der Hunderasse "Wäller" und meiner Luna und Bailey ;-) absolut überzeugt bin, lag es nahe für diese Hunde einen Song zu schreiben, um einen Teil beizutragen diese Hunderasse weiter bekannt zu machen.
So kam es zu "Walk with the dog"!
Ich wünsche euch viel Vergnügen beim Anhören.
Puppies farewell blues
Eine kleine Geschichte über die Zeit wenn die Welpen ihre Geburtsstätte verlassen haben :-( .
lyrics by Christiane; music by burke
We've got puppies
Ein Song über unsere Welpen :-)
Und noch ein Song über unsere Welpen :-)
Diesmal der B-Wurf
Happy dogs (happy people)
Der Song zum C-Wurf :-)
und für jeden der das Leben mit Hunden liebt.
burke21 · Happy Dogs (happy people)

Walk with the dog

I wake up this morning
and I lay in my bed
a touch on my toes
it feels so humid and warm
there stand my she dog
and she wants to say me:
„C'mon master it's time for a walk“.

Walk with the dog  -  Yes it's time for a walk
Walk with the dog  -  ain't no TV and talk
Walk with the dog  -  not only around the block
walk with my „Wäller“
a great breeding dog.

We walk through the fields
and across the streets,
hike over the meadow
and sneak down by the woods.
It's so liberating
to be in nature,
a pleasent duty
to go for a walk .

Walk with the dog   ….

Not so long ago,
they bred a new dog,
athletic and agile,
clever and smart.
Yes, it's a pleasure
to work with these dogs.
With the association
to take a walk.

Walk with the dog   ….

(music, lyrics, arrangement and mix by burke)

Puppies farewell blues

I've got the blues all right,
got it by day and night
all my puppies are gone
and I feel so alone

There's no yelps, no barks,
there's no play, no laughs,
there's no piss, no turds,
there's no puppies, no furs,

I've got the blues all right...

Oh my puppies are gone.
first ten and then none,
but still with me
there is just one baby.

I've got their mum all right,
Luna makes my days bright -
no more blues for me,
We've got Luna and we're happy.

(written by christiane and burke, arrangement and mix by burke)